About the Author

Empowering Organizations to Embrace Change & Drive Meaningful Results

Anthony B. Holtz is a distinguished transformation strategist, lecturer, and author of Evolving Forward. He is the creator of the Adaptive Roadmap Canvas (ARC), a groundbreaking framework that equips leaders to navigate complexity, embrace change, and drive meaningful results.

His life’s work has been shaped by two pivotal questions:

  • How do people and organizations adapt to profound change?
  • Why do some organizations adapt and thrive, while others resist and fail?

A Defining Moment: Witnessing Transformation Firsthand

Born in East Berlin, Holtz experienced systemic change firsthand. At 18, he stood in the wake of the Berlin Wall’s collapse, witnessing both the challenges and the unbounded possibilities of transformation.

This historic event ignited a lifelong desire to understand how people and systems navigate change. In the years that followed, Holtz repeatedly encountered waves of transformation, reinforcing his belief that change doesn’t just affect systems—it fundamentally reshapes lives.

The Entrepreneurial Pivot: From Vision to Reality

In 1994, Holtz embarked on his entrepreneurial journey, co-founding Autobörse, a pioneering platform connecting car dealerships and customers across Europe. By 1997, he launched autoboerse.de, making it one of Germany’s first e-commerce platforms.

But introducing innovation ahead of its time came with challenges. Market resistance and financial pressures made scaling the business difficult. Recognizing the market’s unpreparedness, Holtz made a bold decision—to entrust his vision to new hands.

“Letting go of something you’ve built is never easy,” Holtz reflects. “But true growth comes from recognizing when it’s time to connect with others who share your vision, expand its reach, and evolve it in ways you couldn’t achieve alone.”

Today, the concept lives on within Santander Bank, a testament to its lasting innovative potential and Holtz’s belief in the power of strategic collaboration.

A Personal Reinvention: Mastering Adaptability

This pivotal moment led Holtz on a path of personal reinvention. During his studies in economics and finance, he immersed himself in global academic and entrepreneurial hubs like Cambridge, Berlin, Munich, and Amsterdam.

With double degrees and extensive hands-on experience, he deepened his focus on one core question:

  • How do individuals, businesses, and systems truly adapt?

Over the past 20 years, Holtz has taught, coached, and consulted nearly 10,000 students and professionals—entrepreneurs, leaders, and managers—observing three recurring challenges: Misaligned teams, Unclear strategies, Resistance to change.

The Creation of ARC: A Framework for the Future

These insights laid the foundation for the Adaptive Roadmap Canvas (ARC), which began as the Management Canvas in 2018. While the simplicity of the original one-page tool remains, ARC has since evolved into more than just a framework—it is a mindset, a philosophy, and a practical guide to help leaders navigate complexity, align teams, and drive meaningful results in a rapidly changing world.

No leader has ever asked Holtz to maintain the status quo. Every organization seeks to grow, align, and thrive. Through ARC, Holtz provides the strategic clarity and adaptability they need to make that happen.

Ready to get Started?

Start your ARC journey here and now. Discover how you can thrive in a world defined by change.

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